Our latest round of updates is focused on making it easier to find and get more useful information out of HeavyWorth.
When a PDF export is created that includes photos, the length of the document can quickly become unwieldy when a catalog contains many items with many pictures. Now, when images are included on PDF export, a summary sheet is automatically prepended to document, showing a list of all the assets in the catalog as well as each item’s value. The package total is conveniently presented at the top of the document, which is especially handy with large packages that have summaries which span multiple pages.
For those users who leverage HeavyWorth in a collaborative environment, they often have estimates entered by multiple team members for the same asset. Now those estimates — and the names of the estimators — can be optionally included when exporting to a spreadsheet. In addition to the estimates, the valuation notes are also now included in all export types. Speaking of export types, Google Sheets is now listed as an option among the export destinations.
Photos of individual assets in HeavyWorth can now be exported for marketing, sales or any other purposes. After clicking the export button when viewing an asset, select either a zip file or Dropbox as the destination.
Sometimes photos are blurry. Even when they’re not, sometimes it’s hard to see small details or decipher text when the photos are constrained to the editing screen. Now, clicking on any photo or thumbnail from the edit screen will open the original image in a new tab.
Categorizing each image individually can be arduous, especially when adding many photos to many items on the web. Now, when uploading from a computer or adding from Dropbox, the category can be selected to apply to all the images being added.
Searching is now easier, thanks to a combined search field at the top of the catalog list. Simply enter the search term and choose to search catalogs or assets and click the search button.