News | HeavyWorth

February software updates

Written by Aaron Traffas | Feb 7, 2022 4:00:00 PM

We've been working hard the last few months. Keep reading to see what's changed for HeavyWorth on the web and on your phone.

Field name change

We've changed the name of the "description" field to "asset type" on the web and in our mobile apps. This change should help our users better understand the type of information expected in this field and reduce the temptation to add specs, features or problems here that are more appropriately entered elsewhere in the app.

GPS coordinates in reports

Because some of our clients wanted additional piece of mind regarding the location of the assets in our catalogs, we've added the GPS coordinates to the PDF reports. For assets created with and having pictures taken by our app, there's now the additional validation that the asset is where it was reported to be.

Notification customization

For our equipment dealership clients with multiple locations, we now support greater notification controls allowing the dealership to configure which users at specific locations receive updates about specific catalogs.

Android app improvements

For our self-service clients who utilize multiple value types, these different values are now displayed directly in the Android app. We've also added the ability for the user to select the valuation type requested for each asset. 

In order to support the ability to show GPS locations on our exports, we're now prompting for location permission so we can store that information with the pictures taken by the app.

When using the camera on Android when auto-rotate is enabled, turning the phone no longer changes the photo type selected. 

We've improved support for the latest version of Android and we've removed support for versions of Android that are over four years old. These unsupported versions will no longer receive updates to HeavyWorth.

iOS app improvements

We've added the ability for the user to select the valuation type requested for each asset, and we squashed a bug that in some rare cases could have led to a missing or incorrect description when not all the expected fields were populated.

We've discontinued support for iOS versions prior to iOS 13. The unsupported versions will no longer receive updates to HeavyWorth.

Behind the scenes

We've updated the user setup process to better handle email addresses and require even stronger passwords, and we're displaying better error notifications to our admin users during the setup process. We've fixed an edge case where duplicate catalog creation was possible and we've also upgraded all of the tools we use in the background to make sure each supporting package is the latest version.