News | HeavyWorth

Five must-have features for a heavy equipment appraisal app

Written by Aaron Traffas | Jun 7, 2022 11:20:00 AM

When you're searching for an app for doing heavy equipment appraisals, it's crucial to understand what is important to look for. Apps for general personal property appraisals probably aren't going to function nearly as well as an app specifically for appraisals of construction equipment, ag equipment, fleet vehicles and other heavy equipment. Consider the following list of must-have features when searching for a heavy equipment valuation app.

Multiple device support

If you're considering an app that works only on Windows or only on mobile devices, you're going to be leaving some of your users behind. Even if you are the only user, you don't want to force yourself to use only your computer or only your phone to interact with your equipment valuations. Make sure the platform you select works seamlessly on the web,  Android and iOS.

Offline functionality

Heavy equipment works when it's not in cell service or Wi-Fi coverage, so your appraisal app should, too. Don't let lack of internet connectivity be a constraint on your ability to collect the data and photos for your valuations. Make sure to select an app that works offline when necessary but can sync all the data back to the cloud once the connection is available.


The person assigning the values isn't always the same person collecting the data and photos. Make sure that your appraisal app walks the user through each piece of necessary information to make sure nothing is skipped or forgotten. This area is where apps designed specifically for equipment valuations really shine compared to general appraisal apps.


Outside of a personal inspection, photos are the only way to accurately convey the condition of an asset. They're also a great way to verify identification numbers and usage meters. It's crucial that the appraisal app you select has the ability to capture photos and associate them with all the other information collected about each asset.

Notification loop

When someone other than the evaluator is collecting the information about the equipment to be valued, there needs to be a way to automatically notify the evaluator that the data is captured and the item is ready to have a value assigned.

Icing on the cake

HeavyWorth has all these features and more. Not only that, but when your internal appraisal teams are maxed out or  faced with equipment outside their expertise, our team can provide human-verified values that you can trust. See HeavyWorth in action and contact us to start your free trial today!