News | HeavyWorth

July product updates

Written by Marabeth Tyler | Jul 24, 2020 7:10:00 PM

HeavyWorth just got better!

Keep reading to see what’s changed for HeavyWorth on the web and mobile applications.

Updates to HeavyWorth on the web

PDF files can now be uploaded as attachments

You can now upload PDFs as attachments to assets on the web, making it easy to include information from titles, build sheets, repair invoices or any other documents that might contain relevant information about an asset. PDF uploads work just like adding images to an asset on the web, using one of three methods.

  1. From the edit asset screen, click the “Select Files” button and select the PDF you wish to upload. 
  2. With the edit asset screen open, drag the PDF you wish to upload onto the browser and drop it
  3. If your PDF is stored in Dropbox, click the “Choose from Dropbox” button to add it from Dropbox. 

As the file is being uploaded and processed, a placeholder graphic representing the PDF will be shown. Clicking “Save” will return to the catalog listing when the upload is complete. Viewing the asset again will list an “Attachments” section containing the uploaded PDF.

HeavyWorth on the web works better on smaller screens

While we recommend native HeavyWorth apps for mobile devices, we recognize that some users often use the web version of HeavyWorth in a browser on tablets and phones. We’ve made some updates improving the way HeavyWorth looks in a browser on smaller screens and will continue to improve this responsiveness in the future.

HeavyWorth on the web now allows for multi-line features to be added to an asset

Until now, the features list comprised short, single-line attributes about the asset. That restriction is now removed, allowing for the entry of paragraphs or multi-line listings to be used for a single feature. This organizational improvement allows, for example, everything known about the engine to be listed as one feature and everything known about the transmission listed as another feature.

HeavyWorth mobile app updates

Images can now be recategorized or deleted on mobile

On Android, the category can be changed or the image can be deleted by touching the gear icon on any image in the “Review All Photos” screen.

On iOS, the category can be changed or the image can be deleted by tapping on an image in the “Photo Review” screen.


Bug fixes and other updates

  • HeavyWorth on Android now handles offline catalog creation more reliably.
  • HeavyWorth on iOS now refreshes photos to better reflect changes made to images on other platforms.
  • The HeavyWorth server infrastructure was updated for improved telemetry, stability and security.

Updating to the latest release

You should be updated automatically, but if you don’t see the new features, here’s what to do.